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A Call to the Government & A Call to the Church

We note with great sadness that our government continues to place churches in the same category as non-essential shops, museums, personal services, etc.

We also note with further sorrow and righteous indignation that the government has taken the unprecedented step of criminalising gathering for the public worship of Jesus Christ, and that even prior to this, church services have been disturbed as people simply seek to worship God.

All of this grieves us because of the public dishonour it does to Jesus Christ; and it causes us to tremble for those politicians who continue to treat Christ’s church as insignificant, for one day they will have to give account to Jesus Christ, the Judge of all the earth.

Therefore, we call on the government to repent of this attitude towards Christ’s church and Christ’s people.

We note that the government has indicated it will review the current situation with regard to worship at the end of April. However, we call on them to remove the penal restrictions on public worship with immediate effect, and to recognise the right of the church of Jesus Christ to gather for public worship. Given the essential nature and work of the church, we cannot in good conscience continue under these restrictions, and we urge the government to recognise this and undertake not to close churches again.

Should the restrictions not be lifted we call on churches, if their circumstances permit, to gather for the public worship of the Lord Jesus Christ—safely and with all appropriate Covid precautions in place.

We have sought in good faith to work with our government during this pandemic and so it is with great regret that we issue this call. We will continue to pray for our government, seeking that you will know God’s wisdom and help in these days.

On behalf of Christian Voice Ireland:

Pastor John Ahern

087 2600616

Pastor Mark Loughridge

086 3907726


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