A large crowd of approximately 1,000 people gathered in the National Boxing Stadium on Tuesday night to hear concerns about the new Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE) programmes for the country’s children. You can watch the full video here on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_-qSwe7_uI&t=376s&pp=ygULYWxsIG5hdGlvbnM%3D
It was the largest gathering of its kind so far and sends a strong signal to the Government, including to Education Minister Norma Foley, that many parents object strongly to what the Department of Education wants to teach to their children. There are deep concerns about what will be taught about ‘gender ideology’ in SPHE class in September. Parents were particularly upset about the sexualisation and politicisation of the education system.
The gathering was very much interfaith, with many Evangelical Christian, Catholic and Muslim parents present. Many members of the ‘new Irish’ were also present.
People learned about the gathering via their churches and word-of-mouth due to concerns about activists closing the debate.
The audience was addressed by Peadar Toibin of Aontu, John McGuirk of Gript, Grace Sullivan, Barrister, Pastor Tunde Oke of The Redeemed Church of God Ireland and Pastor John Ahern of All Nations Church, Dublin.
One clear message was that parents have a right to be informed by their schools about what is to be taught to their children and that they have a right to object and reject these changes under the Constitution and education legislation.
Parents were urged to contact their TDs to express their concerns and to ensure that the controversial aspects of what is to be taught are removed from SPHE curricula for all age groups.
How is it allowed these changes to our constitution without a referendum?!!
Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the principalities and powers of darkness Eph 6:12 and our weapons of warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. 2 Cor 10:4 🙏🙏🙏