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Prophetic Decrees over Ireland

In today's current climate, we need a move of God. When so much darkness and negativity has been spoken over our land, it is time that we stood up and released God's will into the atmosphere. The Bible tells us that the power of life and death are in the tongue, so let's start speaking life over our nation. Let's take back the ground the enemy has stolen.

Below are some prophetic decrees and prayer points that you can use to declare life over our nation. Partner these with prayer and fasting and you are in for a powerful season. Be the world changer you have been called to be!

Prayer Points

  • Declare Jesus as the eternal King over Ireland North & South in accordance with Psalm 24.

  • Pray for Ireland to stand with Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. (Psalm 122:6)

  • Pray prayers of repentance and sinful thoughts, words and deeds in the church and the nation according to 2 Chronicles 7:14, Daniel 9:19-20. Receive forgiveness according to 1 John:19

  • Pray for the church In Ireland North & South to be aligned to God’s Word, His promises and the finished work of the cross and His ways. (Ephesians 1:3; 2 Peter 1:2-4)

  • Pray for the love and honour of God to completely demolish and destroy strongholds of hate (including hate and dishonour shown towards the unborn, races, genders, authority, etc.) according to 1 Corinthians 13:8a.

  • Pray for righteousness and justice, the foundation of the Lord’s throne to be re-established in Ireland North & South according to Psalm 89:14 and Psalm 97:2.

  • Pray for all government leaders to be filled with righteous and wise motives and every decision to be pleasing to God according to 1 Timothy 2:2

  • Pray for all in the nation to respect and honour the Lord and His word according to Psalm 119:57 and Psalm 33:12.

  • Pray for a wall of protective fire to surround Ireland North & South against invasion of any and every ungodly agenda according to Zechariah 2:5.

  • Pray for God’s glory to fill Ireland according to Zechariah 2:5.

  • Pray for the health and prosperity of all inhabitants of Ireland according to 3 John 1:2.

  • Pray for a great harvest of souls in Ireland and for labourers to be thrust into the harvest fields according to John 4:35 and Luke 10:2.

Prophetic Decrees

  • In Jesus name, I decree that Ireland is turning to God, embracing the truth of His Word and lawfulness, respecting authority.

  • In Jesus name, I decree that the active, Holy and powerful conviction of the Holy Spirit is visiting every individual in Ireland, drawing souls into true encounters with Christ.

  • In Jesus name, I decree that all those who serve Ireland North & South in a government position are visited by the righteousness, truth, and justice of God, and that they live in the fullness of Christ’s wisdom in all they do. I decree that any corruption in government will be exposed and dealt with in wisdom and righteousness in order for this land to be cleansed.

  • In Jesus name, I decree that the education leaders, systems and institutions in Ireland North & South are being filled with Kingdom values, wisdom, conviction, and truth.

  • In Jesus name, I decree that the body of Christ in Ireland North & South is actively walking with and serving the Lord with fullness of focus, sincerity of faith and in the demonstration of the power of the Spirit.

  • In Jesus name, I decree that those who live in Ireland North & South are kept in good health and are offered excellent health services and care. I decree that all will live in the health and strength of the Lord.

  • In Jesus name, I decree that the media in Ireland North & South communicates Godly morals, values, and truth, and that the gospel is favoured in the media.

  • In Jesus name, I decree that every Godly business and enterprise flourishes in Ireland North & South and every corrupt business and enterprise is exposed and falls. I decree prosperity and fruitfulness in this land as a result of godliness, in order for every individual to have all they need.

  • In Jesus name, I decree that the marriages and families in Ireland North & South are blessed with love, joy, and peace and that every home is filled with the goodness of God. I decree that every life conceived is honoured, embraced, and protected, with love and respect.

  • In Jesus’ name, I decree that the body of Christ is mobilised into the harvest fields in Ireland North & South to bring forth much fruit.

  • In Jesus’ name, I decree that righteousness thrives in Ireland North and South, in every realm of life and that lawlessness and corruption have no place.

  • In Jesus’ name, I decree that LOVE is the greatest aim of all inhabitants of this land and mutual love, honour and respect are shown to all people.

Written by Stephanie Mckittrick


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