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Christian Voice Ireland is a group of over 80 Christian Churches and ministries located all around the island of Ireland. We truly believe that we are stronger together! We know that Christ alone is the answer to the many needs of our generation, and we want to play our part in lifting Him up together. If you are a pastor or ministry leader we would love your church or ministry to join. If you agree with our Statement of Faith there is a simple sign up right here on our website. CVI focuses on three main areas or pillars.


Christian Voice Ireland hopes to harness the endless possibilities presented to us by digital media to engage, encourage, inspire and inform believers all around this island. As Christians we are called to make a difference. We can only do this by staying abreast of the changes in our society. While we are facing unprecedented challenges, we believe that we can play a part in amplifying the voice of believers throughout the land during this crucial time.


It bears repeating: we are stronger together! As Christian leaders when we stand together in unity we can make our voices be heard in a way that is not possible on our own! We believe that repentance, humility, prayer and unity are an essential part of revival. We want to play our part in bringing leaders together from both North and south to pray for our land and to stand together as brothers and sisters in Christ. 


As Christian Voice Ireland, we desire to be a strong prophetic voice to our culture. In Matthew 5:13-16 we are called by Christ to be salt and light to our culture and generation. As a strong unified voice we can take the message of Christ to our culture and truly make a difference. Light shines best in dark places. Our society desperately needs the Gospel of Christ now more than ever before. We must not retreat from our culture or society, but rather reclaim them in Jesus Name!

Christian Pastors and Leaders:

Come Be Part of the Change!

If you agree with our Statement of Faith, please submit your details.

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We are stronger together. Reclaiming the culture for Christ.

A bold prophetic Christian voice in Ireland. It's time!

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Dublin, Ireland

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© 2021 Christian Voice Ireland

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